Coronavirus Press Conferences
A book of focus-stacked images of the 89 press briefings from No 10 Downing Street in 2020.
February 2021 - book
A book of focus-stacked images of the 89 press briefings from No 10 Downing Street in 2020.
February 2021 - book
Video presentation of art-walking in Stirchley during the pandemic, for 4WCoP.
September 2020 - online
Merging Boris Johnson's pandemic addresses to the nation.
May 2020 - December 2020
Compressing the time reporters spent waiting for Donald Trump to arrive for a press conference.
April 2020 - online
Sculpture for the start of furlough.
April 2020 - 5 months
A digital collage of Robert Rauschenberg lithographs
December 2019 - online
A first stab at figuring some stuff out.
November 2019 - online
Making work about the period from the last moon landing to my 50th birthday.
November 2019 - March 2020
Thames Festival / British Council scheme twinning schools around the world using local rivers.
June 2019 - 5 months
Helping a fellow artist master the camera obscura as a drawing device.
June 2019
A review of my art journey to this date, presented to my peers.
October 2018
A meetup for artists and makers to present their work to peers.
September 2018 - Ongoing
A camera obscura sculpture in Stirchley Park.
September 2018 - 9 months
Microscopic photogrammetry of a wound on my leg.
September 2018 - online
Playing an extra in a Rachel Maclean film.
August 2018 - online
A lighting flash as viewed by an insect.
June 2018
Three days with Coventry Artspace
June 2018
My collection of thousands of zines and small press comics emptied out in a gallery for a week.
June 2018
Installation for Stellar, a group show commissioned by Lumen on the theme on Space.
April 2018
Imagining a reboot of the 1960s photography-based thriller where David Hemmings plays The Data Centre.
March 2018
Thames Festival / British Council scheme twinning schools around the world using local rivers.
March 2018 - 8 months
Mark Hancock interviewed me about my exhibition
December 2017 - online
Three months of talking to visitors in a gallery, transcribed for the gallery wall.
November 2017
An Instructional Event for Humans.
November 2017
Sculpture responding to data blackouts in Puerto Rico.
October 2017
Lifting the veil on the surveillance propping up local news.
September 2017
A metaphor for opaque systems.
September 2017
A Cargo Cult for Artificial Intelligence - artworks exploring human interactions with machines.
September 2017 - 3 months
I visited the international media festival on a bursary and took part in a game as a media artist.
September 2017
A camera obscura studio in Birmingham Museum and a Speculative Cameras workshop.
August 2017
I spoke at the Academic Photography in Higher Education conference
July 2017
In order to understand data-based performance art I decided to make some.
July 2017
Portrait photography with a microscope.
June 2017 - online
Alvin Lucier meets FaceApp
June 2017 - online
Election speeches transformed from audio to graphical and back again.
June 2017
New Robert Anton Wilson texts generated by a Recurrent Neural Network
May 2017 - online
Work produced with Kate Sicchio at Resonate 2017
April 2017
A lecture to the Kings Norton Photography Society on how to document a city in curious ways.
February 2017
Generating images from a novel using an AI system trained on a photographic archive.
February 2017 - online
Maximum object detection on the Moma collection.
January 2017 - online
A support group for artists in Stirchley
January 2017 - 7 months
Sharing knowledge on weird cameras at Art & Tech Social.
January 2017
Merging music videos
January 2017 - online
When is a copyright infringement not a copyright infringement? When the robots can't see it.
January 2017 - online
Focus-stacking the "best of" photos from news sites.
December 2016 - online
Pixel-sorting the nations of the world into irrelevance.
December 2016 - online
My New Camera Is A Laser
November 2016 - 3 months
A residency in Linz, Austria.
November 2016 - 1 month
A street-level representation of a complex city.
August 2016 - online
Algo-sorting images into aesthetically pleasing grids.
August 2016 - 5 months
Filming a walk with a camera stuck to my shoe
August 2016 - online
All the MPs all at once.
July 2016 - online
An intensive summer school in Aspen.
June 2016 - 1 week
Photography project working with homelessness charity Crisis in Birmingham.
June 2016 - 1 month
An unstructured talk about making politically aware art.
June 2016
Swapping the horizontal and temporal axes on a movie.
May 2016 - online
Fellowship research project into what cameras could be.
April 2016
Destroying corporate sigils using JPEG compression.
February 2016 - online
Commission for the Mead Gallery, Warwick Arts Centre.
January 2016 - 3 months
Stan's Cafe project working with 120 pupils from 20 schools to discover their opinions about Birmingham through photography.
November 2015 - 3 months
Imagining a lost sculpture using Instagram images
October 2015
Commentary on Google's Deep Dream machine learning prototype.
July 2015 - online
Four new artworks by four artists for the camera obscura.
June 2015 - 1 year
An interactive walking movie for the Flatpack Film Festival
May 2015
Sorting the panels from the comic book Watchmen by their computated brightness.
April 2015 - online
Analogue screens in a cafe window
March 2015
I am logged into an Instagram account, identical to the one you are in now.
February 2015 - online
Exploring shitpic aesthetics through cataloguing a meme.
January 2015 - online
Spinning the Last Supper
January 2015 - online
A series of walks across Birmingham in as straight a line as possible, undertaken with Andy Howlett.
November 2014 - 4 months
A crowdfunded camera obscura for Birmingham.
November 2014 - Ongoing
Fellowship at arts organisation at intersection of art, technology and science.
November 2014 - 2 years 2 months
Lecture and Performance of a system for turning photos into sound.
October 2014
Photography art-walk commissioned by the Ikon gallery as part of their 50th anniversary
July 2014
We knew nothing about building a camera obscura but we did it anyway.
July 2014 - 2 months
An ongoing project to develop and build camera obscuras in Birmingham.
July 2014 - 2017-ish
Degrading a selfie by rotating it thousands of times.
June 2014 - online
What do selfies sound like?
June 2014 - online
What do self-portraits look like in one dimension?
June 2014 - online
A video essay about selfies.
March 2014 - online
Turning the Old Joint Stock's theatre into a giant camera with Jenny Duffin.
January 2014
Turning a top floor apartment of Birmingham's Rotunda tower into a giant camera with Jenny Duffin.
January 2014
A group show where everyone had to bring their own projector.
November 2013
Developing an artistic practice based on photo walks.
July 2013 - 5 months
A workshop run for a festival where I first worked with Jenny Duffin.
May 2013
Photography masterclasses using the gallery exhibitions as a stimulus.
May 2013 - 2 ½ years
Glitch-art conference run by Antonio Roberts which probably changed my life.
March 2013
Umbrella for my photography training and event freelance work.
February 2012 - March 2020
Searching video and photo sharing sites for a specific filename to get a broad sample.
January 2012 - online
A music video for Friends of the Stars, made using sequential TTV photographs.
November 2011 - online
Documenting the Birmingham leg of the 2011 festival of glitch art.
November 2011
My first 'proper' exhibition, in the windows of the old Birmingham Central Library.
May 2011 - 1 month
Using blogging with the Ikon's Youth Programme.
May 2011 - 3 years
I spoke about The Emergence of the British Small Press Comics Scene in the Early 1980s to an audience of zine enthusiasts.
September 2010
A talk given at the Ikon gallery as part of their series.
August 2010
A talk given at a videogame movie night run by Flatpack Film Festival
June 2010
My first public exhibition of my work - all the TTV photographs in the Moseley Exchange co-working space.
March 2010 - 1 month
A 3 month pop-up shop in Birmingham's Bull Ring centre.
February 2010 - 3 months
Photographing every bus stop on a circular route.
November 2009
Short film made in 48 hours for Film Dash
October 2008 - online
A blog that aimed to link up Birmingham’s artistic and creative communities.
January 2007 - online
Hacking filters from vintage cameras for performative photography
August 2006 - 5 years