The Experimental Capture workshop was part of Birmingham Open Media (BOM)’s Art & Tech Social strand where artists and technologists shared some learning to the public over curry and drinks.

BOM had supported by trip to Golan Levin’s Experimental Capture workshop earlier in the year as part of my Fellowship on the understanding that I would share what I’d learned with the local community, so this was also the formal part of that.

Subjects covered included:

  • Slo-mo and time-lapse. Seeing how we can control time to illuminate change.
  • Photogrammetry. Extracting 3D models of objects from simple video.
  • Alternative wavelengths. Exploring how recording infra-red, ultraviolet, heat and radio waves can be used in artistic documentation.
  • Depth sensors. Using the gaming tool Kinect to record distance alongside colour.
  • After Hockney. Using photo-merge and montage to represent many moments in one image.